Impact Augusta Homeschool Cooperative
Impact Augusta Homeschool Cooperative
The Impact Christian Co-operative was organized to provide additional educational and fellowship opportunities for homeschooled students through participation in a variety of group-oriented activities such as classroom teaching, field trips, and experiments in order to serve the entire family on their homeschooling journey. Participation in the Co-op is open to homeschool families whose goals and intentions for their child(ren)’s involvement are consistent with the objectives of the Co-op. Although educational materials may not be specifically Christian in content, Co-op teachers will reflect a Christian worldview in the presentation of their subjects. The Christian worldview believes the Bible to be the revealed Word of God and is, therefore, infallible and without error. It is expressed as stated in our Co-op Statement of Faith. Expectations for our conduct with one another will reflect the qualities described in Colossians 3:12-14,17